Sunday, October 26, 2008

For Glorified Sluts, Reformed Sluts, Would-Be Sluts & Future Sluts

I used to be a prudish Catholic girl, raised by a promiscuous single father, who had an unhealthy penchant for bringing real, live, true-blue, off-the-street sluts to our home for cheap, quick, dirty sexual escapades. The women were usually high or drunk, but I didn't figure out they were actual streetwalkers until I was 18 or 19, when my foster mom broke it all down for me.

But the point is, despite my very real belief that eternal damnation lay in wait for me if I dared open my legs before marriage, I became a slut. I felt like a slut immediately – but confirmation that I really was a slut came years later, when I read mainstream press that claims the "average" woman has four sexual partners in her lifetime, and the "average" man has seven.

Oops, my bad. I beat the men by a wide margin.

In fact, I'm part of the 9 percent of women (and 13% of black women) who admit to sleeping with more than 15 men.

I admit this now, safely ensconsed behind the anonymity of a screen name, as a "reformed slut" who, in fact, has reached the ripe, old-maid age of 37 with no marriages, no pregnancies – and no sex of any kind for two-and-a-half years. (Now the only thing I copiously make love to is chocolate, and I have the stretch marks to prove it.)

So, why write a blog about being a slut? Or more specifically, not being one?

Because being a slut is glamorized in pop culture. Because being a slut did me no worldly good. Because I'm bitter about it. And because no one ever talks about the mental and emotional fallout that happens when good girls go slutty.

So this is a blog for:
  • Glorified sluts (women who look and dress like sluts in the public eye but are often quite close-legged in private)
  • Active sluts (women who are giving it up a little too easily to all the wrong men)
  • Reformed sluts (women like me who used to be sluts, but they've tried real hard to clean up their acts)
  • Would-be sluts (the true good girls who secretly wish they'd been more like me)
  • And most importantly, the future sluts (the next generation of teenage girls and young women who don't know how painful and un-fun being a slut can be).


Robert said...

But, what of we male sluts? Circa 1987, after moving into a 3-bedroom flat with two female friends, we played the how-man-have-you-bedded game. One chick reluctantly admitted to have boffed 7. The other proudly declared 13. I, having been blessed with a lo-o-o-ong memory, compiled a list by first name, and was well over 87. This included any and all play that involved full erections, not necessarily up to or including ejaculation. So, will your blog serve as a touchstone for sluts of all genders?

citizenkara said...

Wow! I was recently thinking about my sexual history and how slutty (sp?) it really was. I thought I was being a liberated, free woman. Looking back, I realize I wanted to be wanted, and even though I was not getting my needs met--sexually or otherwise!--I allowed myself to keep playing the game. Ironically, I married a Muslim man from out of the country and I am his one and only partner. Funny how in spite of this, he is the best lover I have ever had! I guess love and trust are under-rated!

Unknown said...

My "hat off to you" for having the courage to say it like it is. Very happy to see you have renounced this dirty and degrading lifestyle.

God knew what He was doing when he said to stay pure until marriage.

God bless you and my He bring the one He has for you.

izzie said...

well I gotta say I love your blog cause of your courage and honesty... please continue writting =)

Louisa said...

Those stats are definitely fake! You are in no way a slut! Even if you had slept with 100 men you still wouldn't be a slut, but 26 - please don't beat yourself up about it! I'm 31 and not a slut but have slept with 17 men. I would have slept with more but had quite a few long term relationships which is why I didn't. I know lots of non slutty girls and boys that have slept with more people than I have!

Louisa said...

How can men even have a higher average than women if we assume there are equal amounts of gays and lesbians? It doesn't make sense, thats because stats are made up and people lie!!

Anonymous said...

Louisa you have no idea what youre talking about. Stats are not made up.
One good looking man sleeps with 15 women and 6 not so good looking with 1 woman. Thats average of 3.
While those 15 women had only slept with one man and 6 other with one man too. So what is average for them? Its 1. Simple example of statistics.

I like the OPs honesty, was bout a time someone admits it from female .

The only reason I keep away from sluts is their bad reputation. I dont want them drag me down with them. I dont want other guys laughing behind my back or pittying me. I could never be proud of her. Not to mention how guys were getting laid with then after few mins for 2 drinks and then 'the lucky one' will marry her, put financies/emotions in her and waste his time on her. Illogicall and delusional.
Best example of that kind of woman is this Louisa. She doesnt understand basic statistics at the age of 31 and yet she tells feminist bullshit. Good luck to you.
There are better women out there who deserve better male counterparts in their lifes, but they are often overlooked and judged differently because sluts are giving bad rep to the whole female gender.

Good luck to you all.

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